SG Farm Tycoon

SG Farm Tycoon was the first game I produced and designed from the beginning of the production process. We had a quick turnaround of one month to design art assets, program features, and balance the game. This project was contracted by the Singapore Food Agency.

The Design

Our goal was to create a simple game with mechanics that highlighted Singapore’s 30 by 30 goal of producing 30 percent of the nation’s food within its borders by 2030. Players had to create hyperrealistic urban tower farms


One challenge was designing a game that didn’t favor one type of produce over another, which meant that regardless of the vegetable, meat, or egg type, all products had the same sell, yield, and growth time values. We utilized “Dilemmas,” which encouraged the player to react to real-world scenarios that would affect the yields of a certain product.


Overlook Bay 2


Claire's ShimmerVille